Articles |
Books |
. Enantiomeric separation of chiral polychlorinated byphenyls by micellar electrokinetic chromatography using mixtures of bile salts and sodium dodecyl sulphate with and without γ-cyclodextrin in the separation buffer.
A. L. Crego, M. A. García and M. L. Marina.
J. Microcol. Sep., 12 (2000) 33-40.
. Characterization of commercial soybean products by conventional and perfusion reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and multivariate analysis.
M. C. García, M. Torre and M. L. Marina.
J. Chromatogr. A, 881 (2000) 47-57.
. Determination by perfusion reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of the soybean protein content of commercial soybean products prepared directly from whole soybeans.
M. C. García, M. L. Marina and M. Torre.
J. Chromatogr. A, 881 (2000) 37-46.
. Influence of mobile phase composition on electroosmotic flow velocity, solute retention, and column efficiency in open tubular reversed-phase capillary electrochromatography.
A. L. Crego, J. Martínez and M. L. Marina.
J. Chromatogr. A, 869 (2000) 329-337.
. Effects of the injected volume and applied voltage on column efficiency in capillary electrochromatography with open tubular columns of 10 μm I.D.
A. L. Crego, J. Martínez and M. L. Marina.
HRC-J. High Resolut. Chromatogr., 23 (2000) 373-378. (Article chosen as cover of the issue, number 5).
. Enantiomeric separation of a group of chiral dihydropyridines by electrokinetic chromatography.
C. García-Ruiz and M. L. Marina.
Electrophoresis, 21 (2000) 1565-1573.
. Separation of a group of N-phenylpyrazole derivatives by micellar electrokinetic chromatography: Application to the determination of solute-micelle association constants and estimation of the hydrophobicity.
C. García-Ruiz, M. A. García and M. L. Marina.
Electrophoresis, 21 (2000) 2424-2431.
. Organochlorine and heavy metal residues in the water/sediment system of the Southeast Regional Park in Madrid, Spain.
M. Fernández, S. Cuesta, O. Jiménez, M. A. García, L. M. Hernández, M. L. Marina and M. J. González.
Chemosphere, 41 (2000) 801-812.
. A reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of soybean proteins in bovine milks.
M. Krusa, M. Torre and M. L. Marina.
Anal. Chem., 72 (2000) 1814-1818.
. Perfusion chromatography: An emergent technique for the analysis of food proteins.
M. C. García, M. L. Marina and M. Torre.
J. Chromatogr. A, 880 (2000) 169-187.
. Fast enantiomeric separation of uniconazole and diniconazole by electrokinetic chromatography using an anionic cyclodextrin. Application to the determination of analyte-selector binding constants for enantiomers.
Y. Martín-Biosca, C. García-Ruiz and M. L. Marina.
Electrophoresis, 21 (2000) 3240-3248.