María Ángeles García is Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Alcalá. She received her Ph. D. in Chemistry from this University in 1996. She focused her research activity on the development of innovative analytical methodologies using capillary electrophoretic and chromatographic techniques for the separation and determination of compounds of interest in the pharmaceutical, environmental and food analysis fields and for the enantiomeric separation of chiral compounds. She has participated in 43 research projects with european, national and regional funding and is coauthor of more than 65 research articles published in high impact factor journal (SCI), 7 book chapters and more than 70 communications in national and international conferences. She has supervised two PhD thesis and numerous research works (advanced directed studies, initiation to scientific research, final degree, etc.,). She has also participated in different masters and dissemination activities. In addition, she has participated in 4 teaching innovation projects (1 of IP) that have resulted in 5 innovation articles and 14 communications in national conferences. |